Training Practice

Non-urgent advice: General Practice Registrars


We are an approved GP training practice on the Durham Tees Valley GP training scheme, Dr Waterhouse and Dr Salvati are approved as GP trainers and can support up to 2 GP specialist trainees each.

GP specialist Trainees (often referred to as GP registrars) are fully qualified Doctors who have completed at least 2 years in hospital training. They work under supervision while gaining experience and teaching in our Practice. They are deliberately given longer appointment times so they can develop their consultation skills.

The career pathway to becoming a GP starts with a 5 year course at University gaining a degree in medicine then two foundation years of hospital training then at least another 3 years of GP speciality training usually 18 months in hospital and 18 months in approved training practices such as Eaglescliffe. The training GP's are known as ST1,ST2 and ST3 depending on their stage of training. ST1 trainees come to Eaglescliffe for 6 months then have 18 months in hospital and return for at least 12 months as ST3. During these 3 years they have to sit further exams, complete a series of assessments with their trainer and finally the RCA exam which involves submitting 13 suitable videos to the Royal college of General practice examiners to assess. If successful they become MRCGP (member of the Royal college of General Practitioners)

As part of their training the trainees are sometimes required to video consultations to develop their communication skills. Your consent will always be sought both before the consultation to ensure that you agree to the recording and also afterwards to ensure you are willing to allow it to be viewed for teaching or exam purposes. All recordings are deleted after being used for teaching purposes.


Non-urgent advice: Medical Students


Our practice is a community teaching practice for Newcastle medical school. The medical students spend time in General Practice during each of their 5 years of training.

With supervision from a Doctor or nurse, medical students may, with your consent, join your consultation. This is the way they learn to become good Doctors and understand patient views on their illness and care. The 4th and 5th year students may also see patients on their own, closely supervised by a GP. We really appreciate your help with their learning.

Newcastle Uni