Non-urgent advice: Practice News & Updates
Welcome to Eaglescliffe Medical Practice's News Page. Check out our latest newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest news and information from the practice and subscribe to our YouTube channel for informative videos.
Non-urgent advice: Research
Eaglescliffe Medical Practice are proud to be a part of the wider reaseach team with Hartlepool and Stockton Health.

Non-urgent advice: Newsletters
Welcome to the Newsletter section of Eaglescliffe Medical Practice! Here, you'll find our latest updates, advice, and important information to help you stay informed and healthy throughout the year. From vaccination updates to seasonal advice and practice news, our newsletters are designed to keep you connected with our practice.
Click here to download the September 2024 newsletter (Autumn/Winter Edition)
Click here to download the June 2024 newsleter (Pharmacy Edition)
Prospective Record Access
From the 1st November 2022 you will be able to access any of your notes going forward. So if you will have seen any of the medical team at the practice, got a blood result, or a letter from hospital, you will be able to see this all via the NHS app. You will need to be on the NHS app and you can find the link here:
This is great news as you will be able to see a lot. It does though pose a risk. For certain patients having access to their notes could be dangerous. This is primarily those who may be involved in safeguarding, certain medical conditions and also with proxy medical access. Access is only for patients over the age of 16 years. As a precaution, we have removed access to anyone who we feel is at risk. This is a safety measure and we have been over cautious. Data getting into the wrong hands is a significant event in our practice and so we need to provide every caution. Your notes may have been involved in this and so access restricted. If you would like access, then please us via E- consult ( or contact the reception team.
A member of the clinical and admin team will look through your notes to ensure that it is safe to release. This is a big piece of work and so may take up to 4 weeks to complete. We will of course aim to do this sooner, but this cannot be rushed. It comes at a time where we are trying to catch up with other work that was put to one side during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Thank you for your patience with us.
Eaglescliffe Medical Practice
Published on 15th Jan 2024